Getting Past Your Dental Fears And Learning About Technology

Several years ago I decided to take a trip to the dentist after skipping multiple appointments for over 15 years. I truly had a dental anxiety and had a hard time getting over my fears. Thankfully, my dental visit went smoothly with only four cavities identified. What I did find from this dental visit was that there was a great deal of new information and technology that I had been missing out on. Laser-based technology and digital imaging are just a few examples. With this blog, I want you to understand that you can get over your fears and learn about this new technology like I did, so enjoy the information.

How Your Dentist Can Prevent And Repair Your Bruxism Damage

Dentist Articles

Bruxism isn't an easy condition to reverse. Since you grind and mash your teeth in your sleep, you're unable to control your bruxism through sheer willpower. Although you can't easily be cured of bruxism, there are several steps you and your dentist can take to repair existing damage and lessen future damage. By arranging for these dental services, you can once again have that picture perfect smile.

Occlusal Splint Fitting

Tooth damage must be stopped before any repairs can be performed. Otherwise, the repaired teeth will grind down and sustain further damage that will render the repairs ineffective. For this reason, the first step towards fixing your worn teeth is to have your dentist fit you for an occlusal splint. An occlusal splint is a small (typically plastic) device that looks similar to a sports mouthpiece. However, instead of just absorbing shock, a splint is designed to keep your teeth from making contact—even while your jaw is tightly clenched.

There are several types of splints. Some splints must be fitted over both your top and bottom teeth while others only need to be fitted over one row of teeth. After a consultation, your dentist will be able to determine which style of splint will best suit your needs.

Once your splint has been selected, it must be fitted to the shape of your teeth. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and use that impression to create a CAD model. Once a CAD model has been designed, your dentist can create a splint that fits perfectly to your teeth—regardless of their alignment or shape. Although you can purchase a thermoplastic splint that you can mold by yourself, it won't be as comfortable as a splint that's designed by your dentist. Thermoplastic splints can easily lose their shape and become unable to stay fitted to your teeth while you sleep. As a result, they can fall out of your mouth or become a choking hazard. A well-fitted splint is key to preventing your tooth damage from worsening in the future.

Veneers And Crowns

Once your bruxism damage is under control, your dentist can turn their focus towards repairing the existing damage your teeth have suffered. If your damage is minimal (which will only be the case if you catch your bruxism in its early stages), then you won't need extensive operations to restore your teeth.

However, most cases of bruxism aren't detected in their early stages—unless you manage to wake your significant other during the night with your constant grinding or chomping noises. In cases of severe tooth damage, your dentist will recommend installing crowns. The majority of the damage your teeth sustain from bruxism is centralized in your molars. For this reason, crowns are especially effective at repairing existing damage and lessening future damage that may occur.

Although, if your teeth are misaligned, then your nighttime teeth grinding will have caused heavy, visible damage to your canine and incisor teeth. In such a case, simple tasks such as eating or smiling become difficult and uncomfortable. Luckily, your dentists can plant either resin or porcelain veneers on your front teeth to eliminate any sign of worn teeth. Although veneers require your teeth to be ground down even further, they'll improve your smile and once again allow you to thoroughly chew your food once they're planted.

If you're beginning to notice visible wear on either your molars or front teeth, then don't wait any longer to get in touch with your dentist for additional reading. If you delay visiting your dentist out of fear or procrastination, then your teeth will continue to sustain wear every single night. Although any dental operation can be difficult, it's necessary that you arrange for these services as soon as possible to minimize future damage and take the first steps towards improving the condition of your teeth.


17 March 2015