Getting Past Your Dental Fears And Learning About Technology

Several years ago I decided to take a trip to the dentist after skipping multiple appointments for over 15 years. I truly had a dental anxiety and had a hard time getting over my fears. Thankfully, my dental visit went smoothly with only four cavities identified. What I did find from this dental visit was that there was a great deal of new information and technology that I had been missing out on. Laser-based technology and digital imaging are just a few examples. With this blog, I want you to understand that you can get over your fears and learn about this new technology like I did, so enjoy the information.

Tips For Reversing Gum Disease

Dentist Blog

When your dentist sees that your gums are bleeding, swelling, or receding, he or she might diagnose this condition as gingivitis. Gingivitis is gum disease, but it is only the first stage of gum disease. If you have this, you could either leave it alone and do nothing, which will only cause it to worsen, or you could take steps to reverse the problems with your gums. If you would like to stop your gum disease from worsening, here are some tips that may help you reverse it.

Understand the cause

The first thing you should do is learn more about gum disease and why it occurs, and the main thing you should know is that gum disease is a result of bacteria found in plaque. Plaque is something that affects everyone's teeth; however, you can remove plaque daily through your oral habits. If you do not brush and floss as often as you should, you take the risk of allowing plaque to build up on your teeth, and this will eventually lead to gum disease. If you can keep the plaque off your teeth, you might be able to protect your gums and teeth from this disease.

Improve your daily habits

Next, there is a chance you could reverse this condition by improving your daily habits. This might involve switching to a different type of toothpaste. For example, pick a kind of toothpaste that is designed to whiten your teeth. These types are typically the most abrasive types available, and switching to this type could help you remove the plaque more effectively. If you do not currently floss, your dentist will recommend adding this to your daily oral habits. In some cases, dentists also recommend mouthwash products to fight gum disease, and your dentist may even give you a prescription for mouthwash. Certain types of mouthwash products help kill more bacteria in your mouth, and this is helpful for fighting gum disease.

Schedule more frequent cleanings

One other step your dentist might recommend is getting your teeth professionally cleaned more often than every six months. Six months gives plaque a long time to build up on your teeth. If you visit a dentist every three months instead, it might help you remove more of the plaque that causes gum disease.

If you are interested in learning more about gum disease prevention, reversal, or treatment, contact a dentist, such as Michael G Landy DDS.


3 December 2018