Several years ago I decided to take a trip to the dentist after skipping multiple appointments for over 15 years. I truly had a dental anxiety and had a hard time getting over my fears. Thankfully, my dental visit went smoothly with only four cavities identified. What I did find from this dental visit was that there was a great deal of new information and technology that I had been missing out on. Laser-based technology and digital imaging are just a few examples. With this blog, I want you to understand that you can get over your fears and learn about this new technology like I did, so enjoy the information.
You may have a wonderful pediatric dentist for your children. That being said, how can you really be sure? Just because you have someone that you like, could there be someone else out there who could do a better job? Unless you have gone to several different offices, you may have no idea what practices should be common courtesies, and which office procedures really set a pediatric dentist apart from the crowd. Here are a few common characteristics and practices of pediatric dentists who are ahead of their peers.
Up-To-Date Technology. Many offices boast that they have modern technology. Modern technology is a very vague term which can literally mean anything from 'we use computers' to 'we have the most up-to-date technology on the market. An example of up-to-date modern medicine can be seen in how dental molds are taken. Dental molds are used for a number of things from crowns to orthodontics, and are taken rather regularly. Many dentists use a plaster-like substance that makes children and adults alike gag, which often makes it necessary to repeat the process. Up-to-date dentists offices may offer to make a digital mold with a 3D dental scanner which makes the entire process much easier on patients.
Treat Bags. Plain and simple, a good pediatric dentist should make a child want to take care of their teeth. Obviously this is not the easiest feat to realized, but with enough positive reinforcement it can be accomplished. While good pediatric dentists will give children floss, a toothbrush, and toothpaste, an exceptional pediatric dentist may take things a step further. This can include interactive dental puzzles, fun games that teach children about dental hygiene and more. Look for a dentist who goes the extra mile.
Lots of Patient Interaction. Some dentists seem to really struggle in their efforts to build rapport with their young patients. These dentists may also struggle to talk to parents about problems that their children may be experiencing. Instead of suffering through awkward conversations at every appointment, one should be aware that there are other pediatric dentists who are not that way. Exceptional pediatric dentists interact with children in both a professional and playful way, allowing children to understand more about dentistry while improving their oral hygiene.
If you have found a pediatric dentist that meets these expectations, you may want to refer your family and friends to them because they are one of a kind!
6 March 2019