Getting Past Your Dental Fears And Learning About Technology

Several years ago I decided to take a trip to the dentist after skipping multiple appointments for over 15 years. I truly had a dental anxiety and had a hard time getting over my fears. Thankfully, my dental visit went smoothly with only four cavities identified. What I did find from this dental visit was that there was a great deal of new information and technology that I had been missing out on. Laser-based technology and digital imaging are just a few examples. With this blog, I want you to understand that you can get over your fears and learn about this new technology like I did, so enjoy the information.

These 4 Issues Signal A Dental Emergency

Dentist Blog

People with dental issues often try to tough things out. Whether they ignore the problem altogether or want to wait until their next dentist appointment, this risks letting a dental emergency get worse. Anyone who notices one of these four problems should call a visit to an emergency dentist immediately.

Facial Pain

It is common to ignore pain because people assume it will die down. However, this could be a major mistake. Especially if the pain feels like it is far from the mouth, there's a good chance it's more than a treatable cavity. Damage in the root, for example, can excite nerve endings that affect the nasal and sinus passages. In extreme cases, people can feel dental pain in their jaws, necks, ears, or upper face areas. Any pain is bad, but pain that's further from your mouth could signal a problem that calls for emergency dental care.


Whether due to inflammation or infection, swelling anywhere in the face, neck, or jaw is a sign of potential dental trouble. This is particularly the case if the swollen area is visibly raised when you look at your face in the mirror. If you feel any swelling, it's a good idea to consult with an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Many infections will only worsen until a doctor treats the problem and provides antibiotics.

Small bumps in the mouth should be a source of particular concern. The problem could be a dental infection, and that's bad enough. It also could be a sign of oral cancer so have a dentist check it out right away.

Difficulty Swallowing, Chewing, or Talking

Some dental emergencies can affect your ability to use your mouth or esophagus. If you're struggling to swallow, chew, or talk, that's a problem to discuss with a practitioner. Even if there doesn't appear to be any swelling or pain associated with the issues, you should assume the worst. A dentist can check what's going on and then prescribe a course of treatment.

Loose Teeth

People often assume that a slightly loose tooth is no big deal. This is especially true when dealing with kids and teenagers. However, an adult tooth should never loosen. Even if someone was smacked in the mouth while playing sports or bumped their face during a fall, the loose tooth could be a sign of a worse problem. Yes, sometimes a loose tooth will tighten up after the mouth has a chance to heal. However, patients should apply the precautionary principle and schedule emergency dental care to be safe.

To learn more or to schedule a dental exam, visit an emergency dentist in your area.


5 December 2022