3 Things That May Slow Healing After Root Canal

Dentist Blog

A root canal can save your tooth from extraction and for most people, this common procedure causes no adverse reactions. Certain things, however, can stall healing after your root canal, and while your dentist will give you aftercare instructions, there are things that he or she may not mention. Here are three things that may slow healing after your root canal procedure and what you can do about them: Low Vitamin C Intake

23 February 2018

Three Easy Ways To Care For Your Braces

Dentist Blog

Braces offer a great way to improve your smile by straightening out your teeth. For them to work efficiently, they must be cared for properly. Fortunately, caring for braces can be easy if you follow the instructions your dentist gives you and practice a regular oral health routine. Here are a few additional tips you can use to care for your braces and your teeth. Carry A Portable Oral Care Kit

20 January 2018

Still Not Sure About Dental Implants? 4 Concerns You Might Share With Others

Dentist Blog

If you're an adult with missing teeth, you're not alone. According to recent statistics, about 178 million adults are missing at least one tooth. Luckily, you don't have to live your life without teeth. Dental implants can provide you a permanent alternative to living your life without teeth. If you've been putting off talking to your dentist about dental implants, you need to stop putting it off. If you're worried about the process, or you have other concerns about the procedure, your dentist can help alleviate those concerns.

3 January 2018