Three Easy Ways To Care For Your Braces

Dentist Blog

Braces offer a great way to improve your smile by straightening out your teeth. For them to work efficiently, they must be cared for properly. Fortunately, caring for braces can be easy if you follow the instructions your dentist gives you and practice a regular oral health routine. Here are a few additional tips you can use to care for your braces and your teeth. Carry A Portable Oral Care Kit

20 January 2018

Still Not Sure About Dental Implants? 4 Concerns You Might Share With Others

Dentist Blog

If you're an adult with missing teeth, you're not alone. According to recent statistics, about 178 million adults are missing at least one tooth. Luckily, you don't have to live your life without teeth. Dental implants can provide you a permanent alternative to living your life without teeth. If you've been putting off talking to your dentist about dental implants, you need to stop putting it off. If you're worried about the process, or you have other concerns about the procedure, your dentist can help alleviate those concerns.

3 January 2018

Why Your Child Should Brush Properly At Least Twice A Day

Dentist Blog

Sometimes, kids don't understand the importance of regular brushing and flossing. To a youngster, there may be many other activities that are more fun and appealing. Nevertheless, good oral hygiene can protect your child from many tooth and gum problems. Here are a few reasons that your child should brush properly at least twice a day. Plaque Becomes Tartar Dental plaque is a combination of oral bacteria and particles of food.

19 November 2017

3 Tips For Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean Between Changes

Dentist Blog

You may not think about the amount of bacteria your toothbrush can accumulate within three months, but it may be serious cause for concern. Being proactive about keeping your toothbrush sanitary can prevent cross-contamination. Consider Silicone Toothbrushes made from silicone offer a significant advantage over traditional bristle brushes. One of these advantages is that the material does not collect bacterial like bristles. This means the brush stays sanitary longer and reduces the likelihood of cross-contamination.

3 November 2017

What To Do When You Break Or Crack A Dental Filling

Dentist Blog

Popcorn is a delicious snack, but the hard kernels lurking inside the fluffy bits of popped corn are a danger to your teeth. Crunching down on a kernel unexpectedly is enough to crack a filling. Broken fillings are fairly common, especially when they are old or brand new. However, if you crunch down on something hard like a kernel or ice, you can chip a solid filling or even a tooth.

29 September 2017

Got Dentures? Foods To Eat At Every Meal Of The Day

Dentist Blog

So, you had to get dentures, but the good news is that it isn't the end of the world like you may think. While there may be some foods that you won't get to enjoy any longer, there are still plenty of denture-friendly foods that you can indulge in. Here are a few of them and how you can enjoy them: Foods for Breakfast Scrambled Eggs – Scrambled eggs are incredibly soft and healthy, not to mention they're easy for you to chew.

2 August 2017

Tricks To Help You Overcome Your Fear Of The Dentist

Dentist Blog

Being afraid of going to the dentist is nothing to be ashamed of. While statistics can vary, it's a pretty common occurrence. Unfortunately, letting those fears stop you from routine cleanings can affect your oral and overall health, so it's important to find ways to get back in the dentist's chair. Here are five tricks you can implement that will help allay your fears and build your confidence. Understand Where the Fear Comes From

18 July 2017